Sunday, June 13, 2010

Six Month Sweetie

I wrote this yesterday and wanted to post her 6 month pictures, but my camera is on the blink.  Bummer!
I managed to get a couple pictures of the kids painting today. I'm also going to post her 5 month pictures.  I need to get this resolved soon!
Brinley is six months old today. It makes me sad to think in six short months she is going to be ONE!!!  Where has the time gone?  This time last year we didn't even know I was pregnant.  It's crazy to think she's celebrating her half birthday today!!  Depending on how her birthday celebration goes in December, we may start celebrating her half birthday in order to avoid the Christmas season chaos.

I'll post her weight and height after her well visit.  I am sure she is sitting pretty near 100th percentile in both height and weight.  We don't go to the doctor for a week, so I'll let you know later.  I'm sure the suspense is killing you!!!

What is Miss Brin doing these days?  Not Much!!  She sits up extremely well.  We are afraid to think that she may be crawling soon.  She doesn't mind being on her tummy and when she is, she is kicking her feet like she's trying to squirm away somewhere.  It seems like we were just in the hospital with her last week.  Wait- we were...  oh, yes, but I meant bringing her home as a newborn!  :)  It seems like yesterday.

She is still nursing exclusively.  I tried to feed her a little rice cereal, but she really didn't like it that much.  They say the longer you nurse, the better.  I think I am going to try to nurse exclusively for 9 months.  That gives us three  more months before we start feeding her baby food again.  She's a big girl and sleeps well, so there really isn't any need.  Baby food is such a hassle AND it's expensive.  If this is better, we'll just keep doing it.

She is still on a VERY flexible schedule.  Because I was in the hospital, she has started a new routine.  She wakes up super early (like 4 or 5).  She eats and goes right back to sleep until about 9AM.  Normally I would say this is completely unacceptable, but right now my milk is pretty low at night.  I'm sure she is just hungry.  I'm not worried about it.  She'll drop that feeding soon enough, and we'll be back to our late morning schedule!  She stays up until about 10 AM and then takes a 3-hour  morning nap.  This puts her waking up shortly after I have put Cayden to bed, but it's okay.  Once Cayden gets up, she is goes down for another afternoon nap.  Both kids are crashing pretty late these days.  We've been going to the pool every evening when Matt gets home, so they're getting their baths and into bed after 8:00.  That's a little late, but it's summer time!! 

Brinley is still super easy.  She plays well by herself and loves to laugh at Cayden.  The Bumbo is still our dear friend.  She sits in it for several hours out of the day.  She sleeps when I am out running around and doesn't seem to mind her car seat nearly as much as we originally thought.  She has a cute cackle for a laugh.  We have been waiting for more teeth, but she still just has the bottom two.  That's fine with me!  The less the better.  They are SUPER sharp!

Most of all, we just love that sweet little girl.  She is quickly captivating the hearts of everyone around her.  She completes us, and we are SO thankful she is a member of our family.  Happy Half Birthday Brinley!  We love you!

Camera is going out...  6 Month shot

Happy Half Birthday to Brinley!!!

5 Month Pictures

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