Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jay Bird

No, there won't be any pictures for this post.  I embarrassed Cayden enough when I caught him on the potty cam! (Yes, I am THAT mother.  His daddy wasn't home, so I had to catch some of it on tape!!)
It all started when I let him down out of his chair after breakfast.  There was a huge mess, as usual, and I asked him if we could take off his PJ's.  We took them off and I told him, "Now you can go poo poo!"  This is his usual routine in the morning, but typically he goes in his diaper!  He immediately ran away, and I figured he was getting privacy for his business until he came racing back around the corner with his diaper off!!!  "Poo Poo!" I couldn't believe my eyes, and I figured he left me a HUGE, DISGUSTING mess somewhere....  So, I chased after him as he ran to my bathroom.  I found him trying to climb up on the potty and giggling.  Not seeing a huge mess anywhere, I asked him if he wanted to use the potty.  He very excitedly said, "Yes! Poo Poo Potty!" MUCH to my surprise, he actually used the potty... #1 AND #2. 
(For several months, Cayden would ask to use the potty, but he would only go #1. Number 2 is a WHOLE new ballgame!!) 
THEN what did we do? Well, after using half a roll of toilet paper and flushing twice, we washed hands and then did what any 'only boy/grandson' would do... we called the grandparents and Daddy! ...ALL of whom were extremely excited and proud of Cayden!  And then we did the potty dance!
Is this the beginning of potty training for us?  Goodness, I hope not!  Diapers are way too easy.... Although Cayden is showing signs of being ready, I'm just not there yet.  I need another couple of months before I am ready to take potty training on! 


  1. i'm laughing out loud because i would have done the same in thinking there was a HUGE pile of poo somewhere in the house. yea for cayden! c'mon super should go ahead and tackle the potty training!!! obviously he knows what to do!!! better you than me :)

  2. hhmm.... let me think about that.
    No, definitely better you than me!! I'm a chicken... there's no super mom here!!! :)
